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About Us
Nanjing Legend Pharmaceutical & Chemical Co., Ltd.was established in 2009, is a scientific and technological company dedicated to the development and production of pharmaceuticals.The company has 2 R&D companies, Nanjing Enquan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. and Nanjing Kecheng Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd., with more than 600 square meters.....<more>
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 Sales Office:Jiangsu Life Science and Technology Innovation Park, No. 9 Weidi Road, Qixia District, Nanjing
 Tel:(0086)25 83172486  Fax:(0086)25 83767696
QQ:329942693; 3155774001 Mobile phone:0086-13951746471 15189820786
 E-mail:info@legendpharm.com; market@legendpharm.com  


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